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README file from "rolldemos" directory

		True BASIC Demo for X Windows & SG GL

To select demos by functional groups, type "roll" or ". ./roll" to open
the main chooser window.  Clicking in the background of subwindows will
bring you back to the main chooser window.

To create object files for the demos, copy the entire directory to your
hard drive and type "make".


The True BASIC Demo lets you create programs of up to 150 lines.

There are demos for most of the language's features 
along with on-line manual pages ("./manpp/*") and a command list ("cmdlist")
for help.  

The file "OVERVIEW" describes some of the features of the language
and the file "TIPS" provides some useful hints for programming

Probably the best way to become familiar with the language is to build
the demos, run them, modify them, and then create your own programs.


The file "./basic/tru" is the sampler version of True BASIC
for X Windows.  

To make the demos, move to the demos directory and type "make".

You will see the makefile issuing commands to construct executables.

To run these programs, move to the appropriate directory and type the
name of the executable (distinguishable from the source files which end
in ".tru").

Type "make clean" to remove the executables.


The "run" script allows you to run programs by just typing "run" and the
program name.  This script references the environment variable TRU to 
determine where the True BASIC language system resides.
Normally, this environment variable would be placed in your ".profile".

To set up the environment variable TRU from the C shell, type:

	% setenv TRU <pwd>/basic/tru 

or from the Bourne shell:

	# TRU=<pwd>/basic/tru export TRU

where <pwd> is the directory into which you loaded the tape.

You may now use the script "run" to execute your own programs by typing:
	% run <pgm.tru>

For command line options, see the README file in the directory "./basic".


The executables and source files in the subdirectories exhibit some
of the capabilities of the True BASIC Development package for the 
Silicon Graphics workstations including the Personal Iris and Indigo.  

The source files are ASCII files and end in ".tru".

Some of the demos do not check for redraw events and therefore do not 
refresh the window when it is obscured.

The demo version does not include the Workspace icons, toolkits,
BASIC-to-C utilities, debugging utilities, user interface, or the full 
Language System itself.


A summary of commands can be found in "./cmdlist" with the corresponding
man pages in "./manpp".  To display a manpage, either copy the files in
"./manpp" to "usr/catman/local/cat1" and type:

        man <cmd>

or move to the "./manpp" directory and type:

        man -d <cmd.z>

where <cmd.z> is any of the files in the directory.


Not included with the demo/sampler package:

	* full language system for X 
	* user interface
	* True Windows for Motif or OPEN LOOK
	* messaging capabilities for IPC
	* utility for integrating C routines
	* WorkSpace icons
	* toolkit libraries and demos
	* fortran, "other" BASIC converters
	* CHAIN command for accessing the shell
	* debugging libraries and tools
	* technical support
	* BTree Package
	* BASIC to True BASIC Converter
	* manuals

For more information contact:

True BASIC, Inc.				Tel. (603) 298-8517
12 Commerce Avenue 				Fax. (603) 298-7015
West Lebanon, NH 03784				USA Country Code 011

Files of interest from "src/swtools/trubasic/rolldemos" directory



Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire rolldemos directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.